About Me
Welcome to Pantry To Table! I’m Carrie, the author and inventor of pantrytotable.com. Here you will find delicious recipes – some classics, some with a little flair, but all full of flavor. Here you will find recipes that were put together with imagination and passion.
My hope is that my recipes keep you coming back for more.
My pantry is one of my favorite places in my house. It is not a huge room as you’d find on HGTV, but it is my place… my place to utilize my most creative thoughts. My pantry has the familiar staples, but what makes it interesting is it goes beyond basic necessities to bring flavors as wide as the world, down to my home state of Tennessee, then finally arriving at my own family dining table. My pantry is what brings my family together for special dinners with smiles and memorable conversations.
Look into your pantry and dream. Feel like you’re in a rut sometimes? Peruse my website and see if something sparks an interest.
One of my favorite pastimes is grocery shopping. I kid you not. I am always looking for unique ingredients, whether at my local chain grocer or a farmers’ market. Sometimes an item will spark an idea. Sometimes it is the item alone that looks intriguing and challenging. I just might eavesdrop on a conversation if I hear some ladies talking about food. I’ve been known to peek into someone else’s shopping cart and ask what they’re going to create. You can meet like-minded people if you just look around.
As I said, I am the author of Pantry To Table, but I am not in this alone. I have an amazing group of men and women behind me… supporting, encouraging, pushing and helping me through it all. My husband and 3 children are my biggest supporters, not to mention my taste-testers and best critics. My husband helped me grow this site, and I am ever thankful. Our oldest son is a photographer in middle Tennessee who is just awesome at what he does. Our next oldest son is a United States Marine. I am truly a MoM. Our youngest is our daughter, whose smile lights up a room. She is seeking a degree in Interior Design, so my kitchen should have some improvements in the coming years, hopefully.
I have a group of amazing young ladies in my life that are lovingly named “C³”, named after the Chocolate Coma Cake I made for our first dinner. They happily volunteer to come to my house for a huge food party. Huge. Food. Party. The only stipulation is that they have to be completely honest with their opinions and make suggestions to help me make better recipes. You have them to thank for some of my recipes that went from really good to really great!
But, the number one thing in my life is my relationship with the one, true, and living God Almighty. Because we are a Christian family and keep God as the center of our lives and stay faithful to our church, we are blessed beyond measure.

“Whether you are looking to try an exotic dish or perfect an old classic, Mrs. Carrie has a recipe for you! Anything I have ever tried from her kitchen is delicious. You'll definitely have friends asking you where you got your recipe from. Prepare yourself for no leftovers!”