Chicken, Featured Posts, Mains
Scored Mediterranean Chicken and Wild Rice Prep Time: 25 minutes | Cook Time: 25 minutes | Total Time: 50 minutes | Serves: 4 I created the Scored Mediterranean Chicken and Rice after seeing someone “score” a chicken breast for a video, and for the life...
Chicken, Featured Posts, Mains
Chicken Cacciatore Prep Time: 20 minutes | Cook Time: 40 minutes | Total Time: 1 hour | Serves: 6 My first hand at Chicken Cacciatore was about two decades ago. That recipe was from a Better Homes and Gardens “New Cookbook.” You may know the one, the...
Appetizers, Featured Posts
Chicken Sausage Meatballs Prep Time: 10 minutes | Cook Time: 20 minutes | Total Time: 30 minutes | Serves: 8 Meatballs are just fun to eat. They’re a hit at parties and gatherings, and there is a plethora of options for flavors and sauces. My Chicken Sausage...