Muesli Muffins Prep Time: 20 minutes | Rest time: 1 hour | Cook Time: 17 minutes | Total Time: 1 hour, 37 minutes | Serves: Approximately 18 I’d like to say these are “healthy-ish” muffins, but who am I kidding? Even though they are made partially with whole wheat...
Breads, Desserts
Banana Bread with Streusel Topping Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes | Total Time: 1 hour, 25 minutes | Serves: 10 Recipe and photos updated August 28, 2024. If you think you don’t like banana bread, don’t give up, this one just may change your...
Breads, Etc..., Sides
Buffalo Bread (AKA Cheese Bread) 0.0 Rated 0 out of 5 0 out of 5 stars (based on 0 reviews) Prep Time: 5 minutes | Broil Time: 30 seconds to 1 1/2 minutes(depending on oven) | Total Time: 8 minutes| Serves: Approx. 8 (depending on your loaf size) My family cracks me...
Breads, Etc...
Homemade Croutons Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 20 minutes | Total Time: 35 minutes | Makes: 4 cups I love croutons. They’re crunchy. They’re salty. They’re herby and flavorful. Honestly, it’s hard not to just stand at the counter and eat half of them right off...