Appetizers, Featured Posts, Vegetarian
Fresh Green Salad with Blackberry Ginger and Lime Vinaigrette Prep Time: 20 minutes | Cook Time: 20 minutes | Total Time: 40 minutes | Serves: 6 In need of a Valentine’s Day dinner starter for your home-cooked meal for your sweetheart? Here is a gorgeous salad, but...
Featured Posts, Sides, Vegetarian
Roasted Beet Salad with Asian Flair Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 40 minutes | Total Time: 55 minutes | Serves: 4 My husband had purchased 3 bunches of humongous beets like I had never seen before in my lifetime. Beets on steroids, for sure. He didn’t use them; I...
Featured Posts, Pork, Vegetarian
Copycat First Watch Farmhouse Hash Prep Time: 1 hour | Cook Time: 3 hours | Total Time: 4 hours | Serves: 6 I love to recreate recipes from restaurants where I have really enjoyed the food. I don’t mean, “It was just good…” I mean, “This is off-the-charts good!” But,...
Featured Posts, Sides, Vegetarian
Greek Lentils (“Fakes”) Prep Time: 20 minutes | Cook Time: 35 – 45 minutes | Total Time: 1 hour, 5 minutes | Serves: 6 Looking for healthy, vegetarian options other than salad? Lentils are a fantastic and super-healthy choice. My oldest son...
Featured Posts, Sides, Vegetarian
Cauliflower Steaks with Gorgonzola Sauce Prep Time: 15 minutes | Cook Time: 35 minutes | Total Time: 50 minutes | Serves: 2 – 3 What a healthy, low-carb, vegetarian dish that is so full of flavor. You will want this satisfying recipe on repeat! Serve it for...
Latest Posts, Mains, Pasta, Vegetarian
2 Pasta Recipes (1 pound = 2 recipes) Cook 1 pound of spaghetti noodles, use half for the first recipe; reserve the remaining half for the next recipe. Gives a new definition of “divide and conquer.” Each recipe serves 2 generously. Enjoy! Use half of a...